Get the Holly Springs Vineyard Google calendar HERE.

Use THIS FORM to get information about any of these groups.

Most of the groups below have a dedicated channel in the Vineyard Church of Holly Springs Slack page. If you would like to join our Slack to get more detailed information and have conversations within that group, submit a Next Steps card and someone in our leadership team will reach out to you!

Youth Group

Youth Group for middle and high school students meets every Sunday evening from 6:00-8:00pm. Meetings include snacks, a lesson, and games. We also have various outings, camps, retreats, etc that we participate in throughout the year. During Sunday worship services, we encourage the youth to worship and serve alongside their families.

The 2024 trip to Camp Vineyard is June 16th-21st. You can sign up to attend HERE.

Small Groups

Small groups are gatherings of up to 12 people who meet to build deeper community within the church. Each group will look a little different. One group might discuss sermons, Scripture, or other topics, worship together, pray together, share a meal, or something else. Click the button below to see descriptions of each current small group, and to sign up for one.

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School meets Sundays, 8:30-9:30am in the church Nursery room. This group studies Scripture from an analytical/historical perspective, while also giving plenty of room for personal discussion on the passages covered. There is typically a focused topic for several weeks. Anyone can volunteer to lead a study for a week on a topic of their choice (with review and discernment from leadership).

Women’s Ministry

Build community with other ladies in the church and engage with one another over topics and questions relevant to our Christian walks. Our Women’s Ministry group meets the second weekend of each month. Most months, we will meet for lunch after church on Sundays, but quarterly we will meet on Saturdays for brunch and more in-depth discussion. Quarterly topics include Connecting With God, Connecting with Ourselves, Connecting with each other, and Connecting with our Community.

See the “ladies group” Slack for more information or contact Stephanie Moore at

House Spouses

Our house spouse group is for stay at home parents that are seeking more social time and time outside of the home with friends. The group generally meets once a week at different times and locations depending on nap times and weather. Parks, each other’s homes, Bumble Brews (or other coffee shops), and Marbles Children’s Museum are some popular meeting places.

If you’re interested in joining these events, the best way to do so is join the ”house spouses” Slack group!

In Step Prayer Gathering

In Step Prayer is a time to praise and worship Jesus for who He is through music and His word. Morning sessions take place on Wednesdays from 7:05am-8:05am.

Evening sessions are each Friday from 7:00pm-8:00pm. Please text 919-306-8396 (Bev) for the address for the meeting location. We will sometimes share a meal before the evening session, so be sure to reach out in advance if interested.