Who Is Receiving Support
A family in our community suffered significant loss on Friday, February 21st. The Richardson family experienced a house fire early that morning. Though his daughter and four grandchildren were able to escape the fire, Frankie Richardson was trapped in the fire and lost his life. The surviving family is displaced due to this tragedy, and all of their belongings were destroyed in the fire. They are friends some of the attendees of Vineyard, and the children attend the same schools and extracurriculars as some of our youth. We want to support this family as they grieve and get back on their feet.
How You Can Help
The family is getting temporary support from the Red Cross for housing, but they have significant need for financial support for food, clothing, etc. You can donate through the Give page of this website or Venmo @Leah-Pavel (last four digits of cell 1680). Be sure to put “House Fire” in the memo line so that we know to send your donation to the Richardson’s. Please consider supporting this family. Any amount you can give is a significant help.
More Information
WRAL, FOX8, Raleigh News Observer, and several other networks have covered the event if you would like to know more.