Easter Lunch
After our Easter Service we like to share a meal together and would love to have you join us! The form to RSVP for this event will be available soon.
After our Easter Service we like to share a meal together and would love to have you join us! The form to RSVP for this event will be available soon.
Join us as we share a meal, engage in intentional time to reflect on the past year, and reorient toward the plans and purposes God has for us in 2025.
If you would like to bring a dish for the potluck, sign up to do so through this form.
A reflective Christmas service making sacred space for anyone living through dark times such as loss, grief, separation, illness, or any other circumstance that makes traditional holiday gatherings difficult to participate in. This service addresses a somber time and points to hope and healing through worship, prayer, and liturgy.
There were many spiritual lessons to be learned from the difficult season that was the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure we do not forget these lessons and our growth during that time, we hold a service in the church parking lot once a year, as we did during the pandemic. It is a service to reflect, learn, and worship, all the while in the midst of God’s creation.
For this service, be sure to where weather-appropriate clothing. Sunscreen is also recommended, as one of the lessons we learned while meeting outside during COVID was that you can, in fact, get sunburned in January. If you have your own folding/camping chairs, bring those with you! We hope to see you there!
Note: Nursery and Sunday School will meet inside at their regularly scheduled times.
Is there a Pre-K, Elementary, Middle, High School or College graduate or someone else with a significant achievement in your family? Please reach out to Leah Pavel in the church office to let us know because we want to recognize and celebrate them at our upcoming Promotion Sunday on June 16th!
After our Easter Service we like to share a meal together and would love to have you join us! Please let us know you’re coming by filling out this FORM.
The Seder is the traditional Passover service that celebrates the exodus of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. Elements of the service remind us of the suffering, persecution, and poverty during their enslavement, but also of the joy they felt once they were set free. During the event we will have desserts and drinks available.
Attire for this event should be modest and semi-formal. Childcare is available. Please RSVP as soon as possible; we have a limited number of seats that will be filled on a first come first serve basis
Register here: https://hollyspringsvineyard.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2137019
Join us as we engage in intentional time to reflect on the past year and reorient toward the plans and purposes God has for us in the upcoming year.
We put a Vineyard twist on the classic Nativity Play!
This version has very spontaneous casting; there are no set roles and anyone can volunteer for any part during the play. Act as a barnyard animal, angel, wiseman, and more as we work together to reenact the story of Jesus’ birth!
A reflective Christmas service making sacred space for anyone living through dark times such as loss, grief, separation, illness, or any other circumstance that makes traditional holiday gatherings difficult to participate in. This service addresses a somber time and points to hope and healing through worship, prayer, and liturgy.